
Medilife has been sold

We wish to advise you that Medilife (RTO 2148) has been sold. The new owners will not be offering first aid training, so arrangements have been made for Brian Richards of 247 First Aid to handle all first aid training enquiries. His details are shown below. Brian has been a trainer with Medilife for many years as well as conducting his own training company.

First Aid Supplies

We will continue to offer first aid kits and supplies which can be ordered online at First Aid Kits and Supplies as well as first aid/medical equipment and other first aid resources. However, we will no longer provide on site kit restocking services. This has been assigned under agreement with Uneedit supplies. Their contact details can be found below.

Training certificates

I regret we are unable to produce a copy of your certificates. Medilife (RTO2148) has been sold and the new owners have elected not to deliver first aid training. It's primarily for this reason that students require a USI when doing their course so that records are managed by the government. Copies of certificates can be downloaded from the USI portal, by following the steps shown below. My apologies for any inconvenience.

Enter USI and all certificates should be there.
If you have forgotten your USI, just go through the process of "forgotten USI" etc.

Have more questions?

During this transition period there is bound to be enquiries not covered in the arrangements in place. For those enquiries, please complete the enquiry form and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.

We would like to thank you for your support over many, many years and trust the “partners” shown will take good care of you. Regards, Rod Hucker (ex MD Medilife)

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